Friday, January 18, 2008

SQL Executing Monitor code

Keywords: C#, Sql Execute Listener

This is a Text_Log_Tracer of SQL Execution.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace WindowsApplication2
/// <summary>
/// This is a Text_Log_Tracer of SQL Execute.
/// </summary>
class SqlExecuteTracer : IDisposable
#region Fields
private readonly string m_ErrorLogFileSuffix = "SqlError.txt";
private readonly string m_SqlLogFileSuffix = "SqlLog.txt";
private string m_ErrorLogFile;
private string m_SqlLogFile;
private TextWriterTraceListener m_SqlLogListener;
private bool m_LogSqlExecute = false;

#region Property
/// <summary>
/// Determine whether or not log Sql statement execution
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This is a switch for method of TraceSqlToLog()</remarks>
public bool LogSqlExecute
get { return m_LogSqlExecute; }
m_LogSqlExecute = value;
if (m_LogSqlExecute)
if (m_SqlLogListener == null)
m_SqlLogListener = new TextWriterTraceListener(m_SqlLogFile);

#region Private methods

private string GetAssemblyFileWithoutExt()
//C:\Documents and Settings\ctsuser\My Documents\SharpDevelop Projects\asdf\bin\Debug\asdf.exe
string AssemblyFile = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

return System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyFile)
+ System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
+ System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(AssemblyFile);

private string GetSqlFromCommand(SqlCommand cmd)
string sql = cmd.CommandText;
if (cmd.Parameters.Count > 0)
DelphiStrList strList = new DelphiStrList();
foreach (SqlParameter pmt in cmd.Parameters)
strList.Add(pmt.ParameterName + "=" + pmt.Value.ToString());
sql = sql + Environment.NewLine;
sql = sql + strList.MakeItemsToText(Environment.NewLine);

return sql;
private string GetSqlFromCommand(IDbCommand cmd)
string sql = cmd.CommandText;
if (cmd.Parameters.Count > 0)
SortedList<string, string> strList = new SortedList<string, string>();
//DelphiStrList strList = new DelphiStrList();
foreach (IDbDataParameter pmt in cmd.Parameters)
if (pmt.Value != null)
strList.Add(pmt.ParameterName,"="+pmt.Value.ToString()) ;
//strList.Add(pmt.ParameterName + "=" + pmt.Value.ToString());
strList.Add(pmt.ParameterName,"=NULL") ;
//strList.Add(pmt.ParameterName + "=NULL");

sql = sql + Environment.NewLine;

///sql = sql + strList.MakeItemsToText(Environment.NewLine);

return sql;

private void TraceSqlToLogListener(string sql, string ErrorInfo, TraceListener listener)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorInfo) == false)
listener.WriteLine("Error Info:");


#region Public methods
public SqlExecuteTracer()
string assemblyFileWithoutExt = GetAssemblyFileWithoutExt();
m_ErrorLogFile = assemblyFileWithoutExt + "_" + m_ErrorLogFileSuffix;
m_SqlLogFile = assemblyFileWithoutExt + "_" + m_SqlLogFileSuffix;

public void TraceErrorSqlToLog(string sql, string ErrorMessage)
using (TraceListener listener = new TextWriterTraceListener(m_ErrorLogFile))
TraceSqlToLogListener(sql, ErrorMessage, listener);

public void TraceErrorSqlToLog(IDbCommand cmd, string ErrorMessage)
using (TraceListener listener = new TextWriterTraceListener(m_ErrorLogFile))
string sql = GetSqlFromCommand(cmd);
TraceSqlToLogListener(sql, ErrorMessage, listener);

public void TraceSqlToLog(string sql)
if (m_LogSqlExecute == false)
TraceSqlToLogListener(sql, null, m_SqlLogListener);

public void TraceSqlToLog(IDbCommand cmd)
if (m_LogSqlExecute == false)

string sql = GetSqlFromCommand(cmd);
TraceSqlToLogListener(sql, null, m_SqlLogListener);


#region implementation IDisposable

private bool disposed = false;

public void Dispose()
// This object will be cleaned up by the Dispose method.
// Therefore, you should call GC.SupressFinalize to
// take this object off the finalization queue
// and prevent finalization code for this object
// from executing a second time.


private void Dispose(bool disposing)
// Check to see if Dispose has already been called.
if (!this.disposed)
// If disposing equals true, dispose all managed
// and unmanaged resources.
//if (disposing)
// // Dispose managed resources.
// component.Dispose();

// Call the appropriate methods to clean up
// unmanaged resources here.
// If disposing is false,
// only the following code is executed.
if (m_LogSqlExecute)
disposed = true;


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